Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Star Trek Bugs Me Part 2

via: dalerae.com

Okay, so here's another Star Trek thing that just bugs the piss out of me.  I think we'll all agree that some nutty things happen in space.  Especially when there's a ship flying through space.  Then you go and throw some people on this ship and everything gets batshit crazy.  So why is it that if I happen to be the only person experiencing said crazy stuff, everybody else on the ship assumes I'm a loon?

Hey, if we're on Earth and I start experiencing a different reality than everybody else, lock my ass up.  But space is a completely different situation.  Case in point: in Star Trek TNG the crew of the ship starts disappearing and Dr Crusher is the only one to notice.  Everybody is like "Worf?  Worf who?  We don't have any stinking Klingons on this ship!"  Pretty soon they're considering putting a straight jacket on her.  Do we run some scans?  Nope.  Open an investigation?  Nah.  We'll just assume you're crazy.  I mean, it's not like strange things ever happen to us, right?  Nope, just another boring day in a long line of boring days in space.

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